How Implants Affect Breastfeeding

How Implants Affect Breastfeeding

Getting pregnant brings a variety of changes to the body. And for some women it is the breast that becomes the most likely to be troublesome.

That is why there is such a thing as mommy makeovers, to help new mothers feel better about themselves with the help of surgical cosmetic procedures.

But concerns are raised by women who plan to breastfeed. For those who are planning to undergo breast augmentation surgery, it is important that they consider the negative impact that it may have.

Breast augmentation may have the tendency to reduce milk supply. This is actually one of the most common problems that new moms who underwent surgery have.

The reason behind it is the contraction of the milk ducts due to the size of the implant.

Also, the silicone plate that is embedded inside the breast might halt the flow of milk, making some moms produce minimal breast milk or they become unable to breastfeed.

Another problem associated with breast implants and breastfeeding is the occurrence of mastitis

Using Implant Silicone

This is when the breasts become inflamed and sore. In most cases, silicone implants are the ones that cause this problem.

In the event that a silicone-filled gel comes in contact with the milk ducts, there is a chance that it can result to mastitis with the breasts becoming red, hot and inflamed.

A woman may also experience pain or discomfort while breastfeeding if she had breast implants. This will happen if the placement of the implants were not carried out properly.

For instance, if the implants are placed too loosely inside the breast pocket, it may result to displacement causing breast pain.

Pain and Swelling

The level of pain can be severe and may even be more noticeable when breastfeeding as the ducts swell to let the milk pass through.

Breast augmentation can also contribute to breast engorgement, which is the overfilling of the breasts that also results to pain.

Engorgement may be caused by a number of factors, but having implants may aggravate the problem. This may be due to the milk-carrying veins becoming blocked.

A serious problem concerning breast implants is that it could lead to infection. The presence of an infection can clearly impede a mother’s ability to breastfeed her newborn.

Getting breast implants may also run the risk of eliminating the woman’s ability to breastfeed entirely.

The periareolar incision which is made along the ridges of the areola can have the risk of damaging the milk ducts that are along that area.

However, this can be avoided if you discuss the type of incision that you would prefer with your surgeon, while taking your ability to breastfeed into consideration.

Using Pregnancy Implant

Therefore, as a new mom, or for someone who is planning to get pregnant and breastfeed, it is wise to consider the factors that could affect this.

No matter what impact getting breast implants may have on your body, there is always that possibility of complications.

That is why you’re best assurance is to entrust your procedure to someone who is certified and highly qualified to perform the surgery.

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